I visited 14 Art galleries in Valencia, capturing them at their best. Below is an alphabetical list of the galleries I explored, with new additions to follow.
Art review article
Art review article: Pragmatic reviews of anything related to art and visual expression.
Superfine Art Fair Review From An Artist (Seattle 2023)
Superfine Art Fair empowers artists to take the reins without needing gallery representation — Read tips and review of the Seattle edition (2023)
Larry Fields collector at Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art
Hearing Larry Fields, a prominent Chicago art collector, as well as a donor and board member of the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art.
For artists: Review of the best art business books in 2022
I would like to share some of my thoughts and help artists decide whether to spend money on our selection of the best art business books in 2022
Art business coach: 7 Artist coaching services
We made research and listed the most popular artist coaches, hoping to help you find the right one for your art career.
Artist residency Madrid Spain – 9 programs
Here a list of artist residencies in Madrid, Spain. We have ranked them in alphabetical order and put my two cents in.
Berlin Street Art Walk – Raw district trip advice
A Berlin Street Art Walk: The Urban art can be found everywhere in Berlin: classical East Side Gallery, Friedrichshain district, and Raw disctrict
Cross Connect Magazine, Homage to a Tumblr Art Blog
Cross Connect Magazine: Artists, illustrators & photographers benefited from it and could ‘exist’ on the Web. This Mag created by Chaz McIntyre