Cross Connect Magazine

Cross Connect Magazine featuring:

My first article is here! I was saved from the street by Very Private Art in 2014. Now I am earning a living by writing some articles. Today I will present you with an amazing community of online art curators. If you are on Tumblr and passionate about art, you probably know this Community already:

Chaz McIntyre’s CrossConnect Mag

Many creative professionals like artists, designers, photographers, and illustrators have received significant public attention after being featured in the Cross Connect Magazine. If your artwork gets their attention, the result is like dropping chewy mints in a bottle of soda – it explodes! This article is a humble tribute to Cross Connect Mag, as it shares similar goals as Very Private Art. Without Cross Connect Mag, we would not be able to reach so many art lovers on Tumblr. Actually, 13 Curators are posting almost every day trendy artwork they spot. As it is, they get way more impact that an average Tumblr account.

The initiator, Chaz McIntyre managed to organize everything into a success. By the end of 2015, the Cross Connect Mag reached 200K followers and continued to improve. Everyone in the field of art now has a place to go on Tumblr.

If you are an artist and want to exist (and excel) on the Internet, this is the place to go. Because having a Tumblr account allows you to find your own fans without even having to make your own website, which requires much more investment! Tumblr gives you the opportunity to showcase your artwork in the blink of an eye. What you will have is a hybrid of a blog and social media. It means you can own your website and get access to a big community of art Lovers.

What now? You have to get followers on Tumblr. It also requires a lot of time and energy… Or not? Who cares about the number of followers when you can get featured by great Influencers? They have already cultivated a big group of followers who would love to know more about you and your art. In my humble hamster opinion, Cross Connect Magazine is one of the best ways for your art to be promoted. After that, you have all the time for your creation…

Cross Connect Magazine Tumblr Art Blog
Cross Connect Magazine Tumblr Art Blog
Cross Connect Magazine Tumblr Art Blog

Certainly, there are many other Tumblr influencers who are helpful as well if you are an artist. I advise you to contact them. I listed some of them in a previous article. I would like to thank Chaz and his team for their passion “to promote the small, but talented designers, artists, photographers that are trying to make a living.”

Cross Connect Magazine presented by Martine

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